Keeping Your HIM & HERS Jewelry Sparkling Forever

Keeping Your HIM & HERS Jewelry Sparkling Forever

Keeping Your FOR HIM & HERS Jewelry Sparkling Forever

At HIM & HERS, we want your jewelry to be treasured keepsakes that tell your love story for years to come. Here are some tips to ensure your pieces stay radiant:

  • Gentle Does It: Avoid harsh chemicals and abrasive cleaners. A mild dish soap and warm water solution is your best friend. For delicate pieces like pearls, use a soft brush or a clean makeup brush.
  • Dry Thoroughly: Don't let water linger! After cleaning, pat your jewelry dry with a soft, lint-free cloth. This will prevent water spots and maintain shine.
  • Store Smartly: Keep your jewelry in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Fabric-lined boxes or zip-lock bags with anti-tarnish tabs are ideal. Storing silver jewelry in a separate pouch can prevent tarnishing from contact with other metals.
  • Know Your Materials: Different gemstones require specific care. For instance, ultrasonic cleaning is safe for some stones but not for pearls or opals. Always consult with us or a jeweler for cleaning recommendations for gemstones.
  • Love, Then Polish: Apply cosmetics, lotions, and perfumes before putting on your jewelry. These products can build up on the surface and dull the shine. Give your pieces a gentle buff with a polishing cloth after wearing them for extended periods.

By following these simple steps, you can ensure your FOR HIM & HERS jewelry continues to sparkle and tell your love story for generations to come. If you have any specific questions about caring for your HIM & HERS pieces, don't hesitate to contact us! We're always happy to help.